Transglobal Services, LLC’s Power Sector specializes in providing services to investor owned utilities, electric cooperatives, municipal utilities, federal power administrations, state power authorities, and renewable energy developers.
Transglobal has extensive experience with energy sector clients and regulatory agencies. From project scoping, site identification, acquisition of land rights, environmental impact assessment, regulatory approvals, Transglobal provides a variety of support services for all renewable energy and electric utility energy projects. Through this experience and investments made with key hires, Transglobal offers an in-depth understanding of the regulatory, environmental, land requirements, planning, negotiation, documentation, and safety needed to assist you with a successful, on time, and within budget project. Transglobal will bring a fresh perspective and solid approach to your project needs.
Power Services
- Routing and Siting Power Facilities,
- Environmental Impact Assessment and Reports
- Critical Issues Analysis
- Macro corridor studies reflecting Opportunities and Constraints analysis
- Cultural and Natural Resources surveys and reports including T&E Species, Cave & Karst Surveys, and wetland delineations
- Permitting with local, State and Federal Agencies including federal land management agencies, public utility commissions, DOT, USFWS, ACOE

TGS Transform
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